Time Twists

A Friend in Need...

Time Twists
Book #1 from the series: Time Twists

A Friend in Need is a short story collaboration between three different YA authors who combine their talents to create an intersection in an apocalyptic world populated with characters from their respective novels. LX and Jane (from Lynam's Time Will Tell series) time-crash into Tim Hemlin's The Wastelanders. Their only hope of returning to...

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Three St3ps Forward

Time Twists
Book #2 from the series: Time Twists

This is a collaboration, or as we like to call it “a character mash,” between three writers, Chess Desalls, Tim Hemlin and Les Lynam.

If you’ve read our first book A Friend In Need, you’ll know, we’ve combined our characters to interact within one intersecting world to create a seamless story. We used characters from our books (and each others’...

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